The Living Stone, the Living Word, the Great High Priest

Dec 23, 2024    Brock Tharpe

As we round out the season of Advent, Brock turns our attention to three lesser-known names for Jesus. First, we encounter Jesus as the 'Living Stone.’ Imagery from 1 Peter 2 reminds us that our faith is built on a living, dynamic foundation - not a cold, lifeless idol. Next, we're introduced to Jesus as the 'Living Word,' drawing parallels between the Bible as our 'letter from home' and Jesus as the embodiment of God's message to us. This perspective encourages us to seek nourishment and strength in both Scripture and in Christ's presence. Finally, we're shown Jesus as our 'Great High Priest,' using the analogy of free postage for soldiers' letters home. This powerful metaphor, rooted in Hebrews 4, illustrates how Christ's sacrifice has opened direct communication between us and God. As we reflect on these names, we're challenged to deepen our personal relationship with Jesus, moving beyond talking about God to actually talking with Him.