From Grasshopper to Overcomer

Jul 22, 2024    Brock Tharpe

In 1954, Roger Bannister was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes. Before that, the most widely held belief was that it was impossible for a human to run a mile in under four minutes. But after Bannister crossed that threshold, what was impossible was suddenly possible. What is interesting, though, is that while Bannister was the first to run a sub-four minute mile in 1954, since then almost 2,000 people have done it as well—presumably because once they saw that it was possible, the mentality surrounding the feat changed.

We've covered that a large part of 1 John is about restoring the church's confidence. Like the church John was writing to, many of us approach life with a "grasshopper mentality"— one that says that our obstacles are like giants and we are like grasshoppers. But since we have watched Jesus overcome the world, that should change our perspective on what is possible, and empower us to step into the calling he has for us.