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Popular—Jeremiah 29:11 | Full Service Video
We kick off our new series, “Popular,” a series exploring the most-searched Bible verses, by digging into Jeremiah 29:11 in its original context. Although it’s one of the most oft-quoted verses in the entire Bible, most people don’t know that Jeremiah 29:11 is the central part of a letter, written in the most dire of circumstances. In this message, Brock challenges us to face our present reality, no matter how difficult, rather than living in nostalgia or false hope. We learn that 'denial delays delight' - only by accepting our circumstances can we truly experience joy and beauty again. The Jewish exiles in Babylon received this promise in the midst of their deepest pain, reminding us that God's promises often sound sweetest when we're hurting most. This message encourages us to keep 'singing our songs' even in times of exile or suffering, as our worship in difficult times may be especially precious to God. It's a call to resilience, faith, and finding beauty even in our darkest moments.