The Helper, The Advocate, The Comforter

Jan 14, 2024    Brock Tharpe

Jesus told his followers in John 16 that it would actually be to their advantage that he go away, because of who he would send in his place: The Holy Spirit.

He then went on to describe the Holy Spirit with a word that we don't really have an equivalent for in English: paraklētos.

Paraklētos can mean a "helper." It can also mean "an advocate," and it can mean "comforter as well." Most literally, it means, "Someone who comes alongside."

Jesus knew that for all those that followed him, there would be times that they were mistreated, times that they felt alone, and times that they needed someone to advocate on their behalf. In this message, Brock talks about how in the Holy Spirit, we all have the promise of a helper, advocate, and comforter who will be with us even on the darkest of days.